Pray for Sudan

We hope for peace and safety to return to Sudan


about sdnog

sdnog is a non-profit group that provide an open forum to be used by any interested member from the Internet Community in Sudan to exchange technical information and expertise in networking.

sdnog is managed and organised by a group of volunteers with the aim of capacity building and technology development within Sudan.

sdnog wiki

sdnog wiki is being written up by a group of volunteers that are trying hard to improve the networking community in Sudan. And to provide a set of base steps that other NOGs around the world, may want to use, when building and growing their NOG.

Centralized Information Repository

A wiki serves as a centralized repository where all relevant information about sdnog projects and activities can be documented.

Knowledge Sharing

The wiki can be a valuable resource for anyone to learn from sdnog's experience and to benefit from the information provideds

Public Engagement

Community Involvement, a wiki can engage the community by allowing them to share their ideas and thoughts with the sdnog community.


Sudan Network Operators Group (sdnog) is a registered organization under the Ministry of Security and Social Development (M68D), Humanitarian Aid Commission, NGOs Registrar General, with T.NO: 4814.